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Recap: 2023 State of the Nation report - People and Places

Published: 6 Oct 2023

On Tuesday 12th September 2023 the Social Mobility Commission launched its annual State of the Nation report.

This year’s report extends and builds on the work we started in 2022 and contains important new elements. We have done this by looking at full mobility outcomes, intermediate (early-life) outcomes, and drivers, with breakdowns by geography and personal characteristics.

On the same day, we also released our new Data Explorer Tool. This tool is a unique interactive system which will be a breakthrough for policy makers to address regional inequality and social mobility. It will allow information on income, occupation and education to be broken down by regions, ethnicity, gender and disability.

On Thursday 28th September, we held an online introduction to the report and tool, where our Interim Chair, Alun Francis OBE, discussed our 2023 State of the Nation report: People and Places, charting the evolving social mobility landscape across the United Kingdom. We also heard from members of the SMC’s Evidence and Analysis team, and answered a number of insightful questions from our audience.

Don’t worry if you missed it – you can find the full recording below.


If you’d like to download the slides from the presentation, you can find them here.