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Social Mobility Talks: The Value of Qualifications 

Published: 15 Aug 2024

As students across the country receive their A-Level, T Level and Vocational Technical Qualification (VTQ) results today, we wanted to explore how qualifications from universities and Further Education colleges impact on students’ future earnings.

In this latest episode of the “Social Mobility Talks” podcast, Rob Wilson, Deputy Chair of the Social Mobility Commission, discusses the value of qualifications with former Minister for Universities and Science, The Rt Hon. Lord Willetts FRS. David Willetts is President of the Resolution Foundation, an independent think-tank focused on improving the living standards of those on low-to-middle incomes.

In the episode, David and Rob discuss how with such a broad range of further education (FE) and higher education (HE) qualifications available, it is crucial that prospective students are equipped with the data and information they need to make informed decisions about their future.

They discussed how a focus on value-add rather than absolute earnings is particularly important for our understanding of how different qualifications may affect future earnings. 

David also argued that attending university can have wider benefits that go beyond simple earnings such as better health and greater civic engagement. However, David also noted that alternative routes remain an important pathway, helping to ensure that individuals are able to choose the route that best suits their needs. 

Rob and David also discussed how a large number of universities are facing financial difficulties, and how the sector can remain sustainable.

You can watch the full podcast on YouTube below, or on Spotify Podcast

Previous episodes of Social Mobility Talks can be viewed on the Social Mobility Commission YouTube channel.