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ICAEW’s ‘Background should be no barrier: Strengthening social mobility in the accountancy profession’

John Craven, Director of the Social Mobility Commission, will be delivering the keynote speech at the Institute of Chartered Accountants, England & Wales’ (ICAEW) next event ‘Background should be no barrier: Strengthening social mobility in the accountancy profession’.

Event date: 2 May 2023
Event time: 6:15pm-8:30pm
Location: Chartered Accountants' Hall, Moorgate Place, London EC2R 6EA

The benefits of having a socially diverse workforce are immense. This event will seek to inspire and empower attendees to make changes that improve their organisation’s workplace diversity. In addition to a keynote speech from John Craven, this event will include an interactive Q&A session with distinguished speakers:

  • The Rt. Hon Justine Greening
  • Jayne Owen, President, CIPFA
  • Julia Penny, President, ICAEW
  • Nik Miller, Chief Executive, Bridge Group
  • Vincent Egunlae, Mergers & Acquisitions, Grant Thornton

The evening will include hosted roundtable discussions to help support attendees and their organisations to implement a plan, and to guide them through the process. The event will be facilitated by Marcia Dyce, Diversity and Inclusion Communities Manager, ICAEW.

At this event attendees will:

  • Enhance their understanding of the benefits of a socially diverse workforce.
  • Take part in roundtable discussions to help support them in their commitment to drive social mobility monitoring.
  • Gain insight into how to take action to make more inclusive engagement and recruitment policies.
  • Have the opportunity for networking and a drinks reception.
  • Have the opportunity to participate in a Q&A with the expert panel.