Across the Armed Forces, apprenticeships are embedded into initial trade training with over 90% of new entry-level recruits undertaking an apprenticeship at levels 2, 3 or 4. There are currently around 21,000 apprentices in the Ministry of Defence in the UK and abroad.
By making apprenticeships the default as opposed to the exception, the Armed Forces have benefitted from a very high completion rate driven by a common culture that supports an individual regardless of their background and starting point. Apprentices have accessible and knowledgeable role models who have been through similar training programmes and can provide support and guidance when needed. The progressive and supported nature of the Armed Forces apprenticeship programme thereby ensures that all apprentices are afforded equality of opportunity and are highly valued within the organisation.
“Our apprentices are Serving members of the Armed Forces. Their apprenticeship is the bedrock on which they build their career. This endures far beyond the apprenticeship journey and enables them to reach their full potential. The skills and experience they gain from that initial apprenticeship will be further enhanced by continual professional development to ensure their knowledge remains current in a fast-changing world.”
– Lieutenant Commander Norma Muyambo, Skills Policy, Ministry of Defence