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Employer newsletter - 26 June 2023

Published: 26 Jun 2023

Two weeks ago we previewed our new Data Explorer Tool, coming in September, and it was great to see so many of you at our demonstration events, either online or in Manchester! 

While we’re working hard to get the Tool ready, alongside our 2023 State of the Nation report, we’ve also got plenty of events coming up in the next month, including our next Employer Masterclass ‘Let’s Talk About Class’. This lunchtime session will help you to start or deepen conversations about class in your organisation, and get colleagues at every level involved. 

It’s also been a great week for social mobility employer research, with both KPMG and Co-op publishing new reports exploring the experience of those from lower socio-economic backgrounds, and the impact SEB can have on your career opportunities. Find out more below! 

Thanks for reading,

The SMC Employers Team

Upcoming events:

Employers’ Masterclass: Let’s talk about Class
Thursday 6th July 2023, 12.30-1.30pm

In organisations across the UK, there are conversations about the importance of diversity and inclusion going on at every level in your workforce – but there’s a strong chance that class and socio-economic background (SEB) isn’t yet being discussed.  

In our July masterclass we will explore what a healthy, inclusive conversation about class and socio-economic background looks like, and how you can help everyone in your workplace to get involved. 

Find out more and register for our Let’s talk about Class masterclass.

Hear the SMC at external events

AELP’s ‘National Conference 2023’ – 27th June, London W6

Our Commissioner Resham Kotecha will be giving a keynote speech at the Association of Employment and Learning Providers (AELP) National Conference on Tuesday 27th June.

Westminster Insight’s ‘Social Mobility in the Workplace Conference’ – 5th July, London EC1

Our Commissioner Parminder Kohli, will be delivering the keynote speech at Westminster Insight’s upcoming conference, ‘Social Mobility in the Workplace’.  The event will explore how to deliver a compelling vision of socio-economic inclusion in the workplace. 

The Apprenticeships Conference 2023, 6th July, London EC1 

Our Commissioner Parminder Kohli, will be joining a panel at the Inside Government’s Apprenticeships Conference. The event will explore the future delivery, quality, access and completion for apprenticeship programmes at all levels. The panel will examine the core barriers to entry for those from disadvantaged backgrounds and how the sector can support more balanced apprentice recruitment which supports diversified entry and progression routes.  

Improving Social Mobility, Inclusion and Belonging in the Workplace – 10th July, Hybrid

Our Director John Craven will be speaking at this Whitehall & Industry Group’s event.  He’ll be joining Shirine Khoury-Haq, Group CEO, Co-op and Dr Padmini Iyer, Head of Research and Advocacy, Making The Leap, for this special lunchtime briefing which will explore how employers can improve social mobility, inclusion and belonging, drawing on research especially commissioned by Co-op with their employees from lower socio-economic backgrounds.

Check out our events page to find these and other events the Social Mobility Commission are speaking at and how you can register to attend.  

Hear more from the SMC:

Why does Social Mobility matter? 

As part of this year’s “Speak More” focused Social Mobility Awareness Day, we spoke to Commissioner Resham Kotecha about why social mobility matters to her, what motivated her to become one of our Commissioners, and what she thinks is the best ways to encourage people to have conversations about social mobility.

We were also delighted to have Raj Tulsiani, CEO and Founder of Green Park, tell us more about the big questions recruiters get asked about social mobility, and how organisations can think differently in order to attract the most talented candidates, whatever their background.

In case you missed it:

  • Thursday 15th June was Social Mobility Awareness Day! Organisations across the country supported the day, which this year focused on spreading awareness by sharing social mobility initiatives and why social mobility matters.
  • New research from Co-op found that nearly a fifth (17%) of UK adults believe they have missed out on a job due to their background, accent or social status. The report is a deep dive into the experiences in the workplace of colleagues from different socio-economic backgrounds and provides important learnings for other employers in the sector, and beyond!
  • New research from KPMG UK shows that young people from lower socio-economic backgrounds are less likely to have gained either formal or informal work experience.

    Targeting schools and colleges in social mobility cold-spots is one of our key Building Blocks for any organisation’s social mobility strategy, so we’re delighted to see KPMG working to widen their talent pool and help young people to build their skills and gain an insight into the world of work